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 <-Sound Based Space->

In < Rustling, rattling, inhaling, crumbling, vibrating, shaking, disintegrating, rebuilding, flowing, blowing, and communicating. By simply living, our body produces sound.

Out >The singing of a bird, the construction of a new highway, a full restaurant and the noise in an airplane are all white noises we hear and ignore. 

In > Our pulse, breathing, nervous system and muscles are the “inside sounds” that design our sonar playground - like a non-stop beat.

Out < way our feet touch the ground while walking, the sound we make while communicating and the clothes that rub against our bodies - are all outside sounds we created and can control. 

Photo by Dr Kedmi

HIDHUD is a long duration Sound performance that uses the sound of the environment to design an illusion.

This is an interactive work that communicate with the visitors , as they enter the space they become part of the environment - they become part of a world that created live on stage.


Microphones will be scattered in the space and capture 

the sounds and the people around. 

By using motion sensors located on his hands and feet,

the performer will create a sonar painting  by using “paint” from the natural environmental sounds, revealing the transparent layer of sounds we ignore on a daily basis. 


for Full experience please use headphones

* This is a work in progress. 

For more information don’t hesitate to send an Email:

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